Making words work – taglines, slogans

taglines – you can attach them almost anywhere – to the business as a whole or to particular campaigns
they act as a banner, or part thereof,

A really great tagline conveys a company’s benefit with personality and attitude and the most memorable taglines connect on an emotional level.

In the 1950s, ad agencies called them “slogans.” You may have heard them referred to as a catchphrase, marketing line, or even trademark line, but these days, the standard term is tagline (or “tag line” written as two words). Despite the terminology, we’re still talking about a short phrase that tells your audience what you offer.

Kimberley Freeman

Your Tagline: The Most Important Ad You’ll Ever Create.

f4mmedia tagline add
something singluar, pointing the way as it were, they enrich, decorate the whole business scene

f4mmedia taglines pointers 2
they add colour, or should do, but as with all such things the palette needs to be kept tidy
you do not want your colours clashing, nor the words, the copy
every statement you make needs to be within the whole stream of your effort
you don’t want a boulder or dam blocking the flow of your work

f4mmedia taglines attach

Tagline – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The Importance of a Tagline |

f4mmedia tagline allude

How to Create a Rock-Solid Tagline That Truly Works – Copyblogger.

Taglines Generator Create FREE Taglines at SloganMania.

f4mmedia taglines speech

10 Tips for a Remarkable Tagline |

tagline seasons

Art Slogans from The Advertising Slogan Generator.

77 Catchy and Creative Slogans. – Instant slogans with our slogan generator..

Taglines Are Bygone Marketing Relics | Adweek.

Branding – taglines

A tagline is a variant of a branding slogan typically used in marketing materials and advertising. The idea behind the concept is to create a memorable phrase that will sum up the tone and premise of a brand or product (like a film), or to reinforce the audience’s memory of a product. Some taglines are successful enough to warrant inclusion in popular culture. Consulting companies which specialize in creating taglines may be hired to create a tagline for a brand or product.

create a tagline

In all of your branding and your marketing there is one rule above all others – be a good example of yourself.

In the creation of taglines this rule is paramount. You can be abstract, jokey, down-to-earth, homely, pithy, instructive – but be yourself, let your brand be what it is, be who it is.

tagline generator

Useful Keywords Tools to Write Unique Content | Dzinepress.

Your tagline, mottos, logo statements, whatever, they need to portray what your brand is all about.

The taglines we use for f4mmedia and futurhood av are:

in the neighbourhood of the future, that’s where we are!

all materials handcrafted, digitally

consistently generating ideas

These are just a few of the statements we make about ourselves.

Make it simple, make it expressive, make it forceful but only in its argument and its imagery! For god’s sake spell it right, unless it is part of the joke. Your tagline says more about your business than anything else. It needs to set the scene for the full story which you will tell via the full branding production, all of your marketing, everything else you say and do in terms of your business. If you start it right then you have a better chance of continuing in the same vein.